Monday, September 30, 2024

Harvard: Heart Researcher’s Papers Contain Fraudulent Data

31 scientific publications from the laboratory of Piero Anversa contain falsified and/or fabricated data

TUESDAY, Oct. 16, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Dozens of scientific papers from the laboratory of well-known heart researcher Piero Anversa contain fraudulent data, according to a Harvard Medical School internal investigation.

Anversa and other members of his laboratory left Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital in 2015 as investigators assessed the work performed in his lab, the Washington Post reported.

“Following a review of research conducted in the former lab of Piero Anversa, we determined that 31 publications included falsified and/or fabricated data, and we have notified all relevant journals,” Harvard and Brigham said in a joint statement. They did not specify the papers with the suspect data.

Anversa has published more than 100 scientific papers, has collaborated with leaders in the field of heart research, and was honored as a distinguished scientist by the American Heart Association, the Post reported. The Post was unable to reach Anversa through his lawyer.

Washington Post Article

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