Monday, September 23, 2024

Research Lacking on Platelet-Rich Tx for Facial Aesthetics, Alopecia

Procedure limited by the lack of standardized preparation, application methods

THURSDAY, May 24, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Further research is needed on the use of platelet-rich therapy for facial aesthetics and alopecia, according to a review published in the May issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Catherine C. Motosko, from New York University in New York City, and colleagues conducted a systematic literature review to identify all clinical studies and case reports that addressed platelet-rich plasma alone and/or in combination with fat grafting for facial rejuvenation, acne scarring, or androgenic alopecia.

The researchers identified seven studies that used platelet-rich plasma alone for facial rejuvenation, seven in combination with fat grafting, two for treatment of acne scarring, and six for treatment of androgenic alopecia. Even though the majority of studies in this review report positive results, significant variation exists in preparation protocols and in the number and frequency of clinical treatments.

“The extent to which significant variability in platelet-rich plasma preparation and/or application methods may affect clinical outcomes is not completely clear,” the authors write. “In the interim, we present a consolidation of platelet-rich plasma treatment techniques and outcomes currently in use to help guide physicians in their clinical practice.”

Abstract/Full Text

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