Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Agile Implementation Speeds Initiation of Health Care Solutions

Case study demonstrates effectiveness of collaborative care model for dementia care

MONDAY, April 2, 2018 (HealthDay News) — In a case demonstration study published online March 7 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, authors describe using Agile Implementation (AI), a method to quickly, efficiently, effectively, and sustainably translate evidence-based health care solutions into practice, in an Aging Brain Care model, an evidence-based collaborative care model which targets older adults with dementia, depression, or delirium.

Malaz Boustani, M.D., from Indiana University in Indianapolis, and colleagues describe the AI process in a case study focusing on reduction in dementia symptoms, caregiver burden, and related inpatient and outpatient care expenditures in an integrated, safety net health care delivery system in Indianapolis.

The authors describe implementing a collaborative care model for dementia care and sustaining it for more than nine years. The model was enabled through using the elements of the AI process, including proactive surveillance and confirmation of clinical opportunities, selection of the right evidence-based health care solution, tailoring to the selected solution to the local environment, development of an evaluation plan and performance feedback loop, and development of a minimally standardized operation manual that is updated annually.

“This is personal — I want my own family and my patients and their families to get the best evidence-based care with great value and I want this to happen now,” Boustani said in a statement. “With Agile Implementation we can effectively and sustainably compress the discovery to delivery translational timeline.”

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