Saturday, September 28, 2024

ACS: Bicycle-Related Injuries, Gunshot Wounds Up During Pandemic

Trauma activity followed similar patterns in centers in different regions of the United States

TUESDAY, Nov. 2, 2021 (HealthDay News) — During the course of the pandemic, the number of trauma cases involving bicycle-related injuries and gunshot wounds has risen substantially, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons, held virtually from Oct. 23 to 27.

Leonardo Alaniz, from the University of California at Irvine, and colleagues retrospectively reviewed 27,652 cases (2019 to 2020) seen at four Level I trauma centers (Orange County, California; Portland, Oregon; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Miami, Florida) to compare relative incidence rates for mechanism of injury between years.

The researchers found increases in gunshot wounds (23.5 percent) and bicycle accidents (100.0 percent), while motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) decreased 12.7 percent. Trends were similar in all three locations: In Orange County, gunshot wounds increased 55 percent, bicycle accidents increased 30.8 percent, MVC decreased 10.2 percent. In Portland, gunshot wounds increased 48.4 percent, bicycle accidents increased 296.2 percent, MVC decreased 21.5 percent. In Tulsa, gunshot wounds increased 22.2 percent, bicycle accidents increased 18.2 percent, and MVC decreased 5.1 percent. In Miami, gunshot wounds increased 20.9 percent, bicycle accidents increased 2.6 percent, and MVC decreased 14.5 percent.

“We did this research to shed light on what to expect during any possible next lockdown for a pandemic and where to potentially put resources for clinicians in terms of what types of injuries might present and that might increase or decrease,” a coauthor said in a statement.

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